Roman Necropolis of Carmona

Location Plan

Location of Tombs within the Necropolis, by Jorge Bonsor 1897

Jorge Bonsor around 1890

Access to the Necropolis Museum

View of the top of some of the tombs, looking west towards Seville

The tomb of Servilia Open Courtyard

Servilia, a stately Marble Statue of Young Servilia

A sensational marble column, demoted to the horizontal, on the floor.../h3>

Miscellaneous Catapult Stone Balls and Column Pieces

Sculpted Portrait in Marble of a Young Lady

The Elephant in Calcarenita Limestone

    The Cueva de la Batida

    Churches of Carmona

    Roman Necropolis of Carmona

    . . . More Things to do in Carmona