The Cueva de la Batida is one of our recommendations for the lovers of the outdoors.
The walk there and back is pleasurable, you come in close contact with the town, the organic growth of small orchards and industry at the edge of town,
and the large expanse of arable farms, all within 20 minutes.
In winter it is recommended to go for a picnic lunch or immediately after lunch, since it gets dark at 6pm.
In the summer, go immediately after breakast, for at noon, the heat starts to make itself felt. In the summer, it is also pleasurable to go at night.
In Autumn and Spring, any time of the day is good.
To get there, as you come out of the palace, turn left and follow the steet downwards until you reach the Carretera de Lora, turn right.
After a kilometer, you will reach on your left the Cemetery, adorned with tall Cypress trees. Exit the road and take the wide path on your right for about another kilometer.